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Catoon's & Photography By I. J. Sims
Catoon's & Photography By I. J. Sims
Once upon a time, a writer (Newspapers), named I. J. Sims, wanted to create cartoons about the neighborly folks she had met during her life in the farm lands of Southwest Oklahoma. However, she could not draw a face---so she had to start by drawing all of her little down-home characters with their makes a lot of sense words all backward. Soon, in 1982 her folks were in print everywhere and she had collectors by the dozens. Now, as a cancer survivor homebound in a power chair on oxygen 24/7 she is placing her cartoon's and her animal photography with words out to encourage others to "Keep-on-keeping-on." For all who would like to have some of the cartoons or animals you should be aware that all money will go to the organizations that care for survivors like I. J.---only art supplies and some software is provided for I. J. herself. "Remember always that the challanges we face each day can never defeat us---only we can do that." I. J.
Why Moses Wandered. 
People have asked I. J. to do more cartoons about women and this has been a favorite.

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